Once you have finished your appointment there are a few important things to know in order to look after your new tattoo and get the best results. Getting the best outcome for your tattoo is 20% in clinic treatment, and 80% at home aftercare.
Day 1: Ensure your hands are clean before touching your brows. Every 2-3 hours you will take a clean baby wipe (or damp cotton round) and gently wipe through your brows, pat dry with a clean tissue then apply a small amount of aftercare cream to each brow.
Day 2 - 14: In the morning, take a clean baby wipe (or damp cotton round) and gently wipe through your brows first thing in the morning, pat dry with a clean tissue then apply a small amount of aftercare cream. In the evening repeat this process.
Brows will be the darkest for day 1-3. Then they may get a bit dry, flakey, crusty and patchy. It is important not to pick or itch at them as this can pull the pigment out. Your brows may look really uneven and you may notice patches of colour disappearing from your brows. It is normal to feel emotional about your brows during the first couple of weeks as they heal, try not to look in the mirror too much or judge your new brows, remember it is a process and will required patience while the skin heals over the tattoo. The brows will then drop out of colour or slowly fade down 30%-50%. The colour may then reappear over the next 2-3 weeks. Some days your brows will look more warm toned (red/orange) this is completely normal. The colour may change day to day for the first couple of weeks of healing. Trust the process, your brows will look absolutely beautiful once they have healed. Remember the final healed results will always be lighter than when the tattoo is freshly done.
No swimming, sauna, steam rooms or sunbathing for the first 2x weeks. Makeup, moisturizer and cleanser can be used but just avoid the newly tattooed area. Light exercise is recommend for the first 1-2 weeks to avoid sweating into the brows.
To achieve the best result, we need to see how your skin accepts the initial application and a touch-up appointment is where we can perfect the shape and colour. Any tweaks and changes can be made at your 4-6 weeks follow up appointment once your artist can assess how your skin has healed. Some clients may require additional touch ups or more regular maintenance appointments due to skin type, stubborn skin, lifestyle, hormones, and other factors. Touch Ups ($159) and Additional Touch Ups ($99) must be done within 4-6 weeks of your last tattoo appointment.
Due to everyones skin and lifestyle being individual we are unable to make any guarantees in regards to the outcome as we are not in control of how your body heals. Correct aftercare and correct maintenance is important to get the best results out of your tattoo. Your artist will discuss the recommended treatment plan customised for you to give you the best results possible.
Day 1-2: Your lips may be swollen initially (which most clients love) and will subsite in the first 24-48 hours. Your lips may be a bit sensitive and we recommend avoiding hot, spicy and acidic food. Drinking through a straw is also recommended. Your lips will appear a little darker for the initial couple of days. Apply aftercare cream regularly to keep lips conditioned and ensure the area is kept clean.
Day 2-7: Continue to apply after cream regularly with clean hands or cotton tip. Lips may get a little dry and flakey, similar to sunburn. It is normal for some clients to experience a little bit of flakiness and lips may appear a bit patchy during this stage. The colour will start to fade out upto 50%.
Day 7-30: Your lip colour may appear pale to begin with and then the colour may slowly reappear. Some days the colour will look brighter or warmer or cooler than other days. This is normal and is due to our natural lip pigment changing depending on the weather, hormones, hydration and a variety of other factors. You will notice it more than anyone else and after a couple of weeks the healed colour will start to settle and you wont notice it as much.
Remember the new tattoo needs to be treated like an open wound and this means keeping the area CLEAN. Avoid kissing or touching your mouth while your lips are healing. Don't let your pets lick your face and avoid makeup on the lips.
No swimming, sauna, steam rooms or sunbathing for the first 2x weeks. Makeup, moisturizer and cleanser can be used but just avoid the newly tattooed area.
To achieve the best result, we need to see how your skin accepts the initial application and a touch-up appointment is where we can perfect the shape and colour. Any tweaks and changes can be made at your 4-6 weeks follow up appointment once your artist can assess how your skin has healed. Some clients may require additional touch ups or more regular maintenance appointments due to skin type, stubborn skin, lifestyle, hormones, and other factors. Touch Ups ($150) and Additional Touch Ups ($99) must be done within 4-6 weeks of your last tattoo appointment.
It is normal for some clients to get coldsores and/or blisters after the cosmetic tattoo procedure due to the sensitive nature of the skin in this area. If you have had a cold sore in the past or suffer from cold sores we always recommend taking a preventative course of medication to reduce this risk. Some clients may still get a cold sore outbreak post treatment even if they have never had active cold sores before and if this occurs, we recommend to see your GP or pharmacist for over the counter or prescribed tablets to help this process during the healing phase.
Due to everyones skin and lifestyle being individual we are unable to make any guarantees in regards to the outcome as we are not in control of how your body heals. Correct aftercare is important to get the best results out of your tattoo.
Day 1-3: Your eyes may be a bit swollen, red and sensitive for the first few days. Take it easy and just let your body heal. Eyes are very good at healing naturally, keep the area clean and free from any makeup to avoid infection. The eyeliner will appear the darkest for the first couple of days.
Day 4-14: The eyeliner may get a little flaky, patchy and fade during the healing process. This is normal. The colour may fade upto 80% during the first couple of weeks of healing. Often this colour will reappear over the next few weeks.
No swimming, sauna, steam rooms or sunbathing for the first 2x weeks. Makeup, moisturizer and cleanser can be used but just avoid the newly tattooed area.
To achieve the best result, we need to see how your skin accepts the initial application and a touch-up appointment is where we can perfect the shape and colour. Any tweaks and changes can be made at your 4-6 weeks follow up appointment once your artist can assess how your skin has healed. Some clients may require additional touch ups or more regular maintenance appointments due to skin type, stubborn skin, lifestyle, hormones, and other factors. Touch Ups ($150) and Additional Touch Ups ($99) must be done within 4-6 weeks of your last tattoo appointment.
Due to everyones skin and lifestyle being individual we are unable to make any guarantees in regards to the outcome as we are not in control of how your body heals. Correct aftercare is important to get the best results out of your tattoo.