First 48 hours, refrain from wetting the area. Use a makeup wipe or a washcloth to wash the area around the procedure area.
As the scab starts to form, keep the area clean and dry. The longer the scab stays, the better the result. Cleanse gently twice daily with unscented soap and pat dry with a clean towel or paper towel.
Until scabbing is complete, no makeup or skincare products should go within 2.5cm of the procedure area.
Do not touch, rub, scratch ,or pick the scab. Doing so may cause scarring and/or hyperpigmentation as well as prevent the saline from removing as much pigment as possible.
While the area is scabbing, do not apply any type of balm, ointment or covering.
Avoid exercise/sweating, swimming, or water. Do not soak your face underwater or spray shower directly on your face for 2 weeks.
Once the scab has fallen off on its own, you may begin applying a high-quality oil or ointment 3x daily like vitamin e or bio oil. No other creams or chemicals should be applied during this time.
Keeping up with your select ointment application for a minimum 4x weeks will reduce the risk of scarring or discoloration.
The skin may appear pink or discolored for a couple of weeks before returning to its original shade. Sometimes pigment that has spread underneath the skin may rise to the surface before coming out completely. In these cases, it may appear that the tattoo has ‘bled’ to surrounding tissue. This is all part of the process and can be addressed during future sessions if needed.
Please refrain from threading, waxing or hair removal products on the treated area while healing.
Typically the scab can last anywhere from 7 - 14 days depending on aftercare and skin.
SALINE REMOVAL IS A PROCESS. Desirable results take an average of 3-6 sessions depending on the depth and pigment of the unwanted tattoo among other factors.
During the procedure we are inflicting a controlled wound and clients must ensure to follow a strict aftercare protocol to avoid any chance of infection. In the event of an infection you may experience some pressure and/or burning and the following recommendations are helpful to resolve the infection.
Wash the areas thoroughly with an unscented, pH balanced soap. Cetaphil or Pears soap work well.
Rinse well, make sure you completely dry the area using something that will not get stuck and pull any remaining scabs. Gently using a blow dryer can work but avoid burning the area.
When the area is completely dry, apply some Polysporin or Neosporin and the infection generally resolves within 24 hours.
In the event that the infection does not resolve or gets worse, please see your GP.